How to make an origami star?



Episode – 3

Hey guys, Welcome to diarytale! In this post, I am going to share how to make an origami star with easy and simple folding instructions. In the previous episodes, I have shared how to make an origami cube and heart. If you have missed any of the posts, here is the link. Do check out.

Episode 1 – Origami cube

Episode 2 – Origami heart.

Origami star
Origami Star

After learning how to make an origami heart and cube, I felt making a 3D star is so easy. It is more or less similar to the 3D heart. Ok, let’s start making a star.

Requirements –

 All you need is just a paper strip.

Basic requirement – Paper.

Sizing instructions –

Depending on how big you want your star, the paper measurement will change. Other than that all the folding instructions are the same.

In this post, we are making a mini star. So we need a paper strip of length 32cm and 1cm wide.

Origami star
Mini Origami Star.

In case you are interested in making a bigger one, like this yellow star, then you may need a paper strip of length 40-44cm and 2cm wide.

Big Origami Star.

Steps to Make an Origami Star –

  • Cut a paper strip of size 32 cm long and 1 cm wide. (12”x 0.5”)

origami star

  • Take one end of the paper strip, wrap around the middle.

Origami star

  • Now, make a knot and gently press it.

Origami star

  • Push the knot to one end.

3D star

  • Now you will have a pentagon with two ends sticking out. One smaller end the other longer.


  • Tuck the smaller end across the pentagon. 

Origami star

  • Now you will have a pentagon with the longer end sticking out. 


  • Fold the longer end across the pentagon and press the pentagon gently.

Origami star

  • Now, Flip the pentagon and fold the long end across.


  • Continue step 8 & 9 till you reach the end of the paper strip.

paper star

  •  You will end up having a small strip sticking out.

Origami star

  • Tuck the end inside the previous fold of the pentagon.

Origami star

  •  Now you will have a flat and closed pentagon.


  • Gently press the two edges of the pentagon to form a sharp point.

Origami star

  • Rotate the pentagon and keep pushing the edges to form the sharp tips/corners of the star.

how to make an origami star

  • Voila, your 3D origami star is done!


If you find this post on origami star interesting, share with others. Or if you learned to make, then teach your kids or friends this simple craft.


For even more easy understanding, I have attached a youtube video along with this post. Do check out.

Comment me below, if you like and find this method easy. Also, connect with us on social media. Links are given below.

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Have a good day!!

How to make an origami star?

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