Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, I would like to share my opinions of the book that had created a certain impact on my attitude. So, without any delay, I would like to share the book with all the readers. Because reading self-help books is also a kind of self-care.
About the book & the author
The book “Attitude Is Everything” was written by the author Jeff Keller in 1999. This book comes under the self-help genre. His other work is Here’s To Your Success, a collection of Jeff’s motivational essays. He was initially a lawyer but, later felt that he had another purpose in life. So, he changed his course to motivational speaker and works with organizations that want to develop achievers and people who want to reach their full potential.
Description of the book (back cover)
Do you dread going to work? Do you feel tired, unhappy, weighed down? Have you given up on your dreams? The road to a happier, more successful life starts with your attitude–and your attitude is within your control. Whether your outlook is negative, positive, or somewhere in-between, Jeff Keller, motivational speaker, and coach will show you how to take control and unleash your hidden potential through three sturdy: Think, Speak, and Act. Soon, you will be energized and see new possibilities in your personal and professional life.

How did I pick this book?
When I started my reading journey, I look up many booktubers and bookstagrammers for more book recommendations. So, that is when I saw Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller. It was in my TBR for quite a long time. During the pandemic, my cousin gave me this book. It was a coincidence that he had given me the same book that was already there in my TBR pile.
If you are looking for buying this book, let me make it easier for you. Here is the amazon link, click it, add to your cart, buy, and enjoy reading. Link – Attitude is everything
Perfect time to read this book
I read this book in the morning that I consider as a perfect time. Because each day after reading the book, I felt loaded with positive energy for the entire day. I read this book for about 30 minutes for six days. It consists only of 125 pages ( I read the Ebook) so, I would like to recommend not to read it in full go. Because it has many intense lessons that I afraid while reading it in one full go, the readers will miss the beat to process it.
My views on this book
The book “Attitude Is Everything” is full of positive epigrams of various authors who have the power to change our views. The book is all about ATTITUDE. The definition of attitude given by the author is precise. The difference between positive and negative attitudes is quite understandable with his examples. The way he builds the philosophy of positive thinking is simply magnificent. It is gradual learning. He gives many examples alongside his teaching that are very helpful to understand. The theories in this book tell the weight and burden caused by the negative people in our journey towards success.
From here, my review of the book is going to be my learnings rather than my views. If the readers think it will consist of spoilers, then you can skip it. Otherwise, continue reading.
My learnings
This book consists of many teachings that can change our Attitude. So, here are my takeaway points from this book. There is so much I learned from this book. I like to share a few.
Sketch a vision board
The author states that vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others. By creating a vision board with our goals, it helps a lot to achieve it. So, I thought to give it a shot and sketched my vision board with a few of my short long-time goals. To my surprise, it helps me a lot.

Every person should become a committed person to their goals and dreams. Whatever the author preached about commitment is entirely accurate. Because if I turn back to my life, I think I have never taken commitment seriously. I think many can relate to it. So, I found a way to knock off all the obstacle that stands between my dreams. That is by being committed.
The author says that adversity is an opportunity in disguise. Sometimes during adversity, we will find our true potentials. This point is helping me nowadays. Whenever I found myself in a dark situation, I try to find my true potentials.
Complaining is never a solution.
The author says about complaining as a problem and explains how it can reinforce the discomfort for the listeners and the complainer. We can tell the complains but, it is too, to an extent. If it extends the limit, it creates a negative vibe about you. So, before complaining about anything, try to find a solution to your problems yourself.
The abovesaid are the handful of learnings I got from this book. Each has a connection with our attitude. There are more things I learned yet, would like to save them for you readers. That will be a different level of experience when you read it to yourself. So, if you are searching for a positive self-help book to repair your attitude, my recommendation is Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller. Read and share your thoughts.
Happy Reading!
If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link – Readers’ Corner.
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Attitude is everything books clear many myths about Attitude.