Hey folks! Happy New Year 2021! I wish all the readers that you will read more interesting and
exciting books this year!!
Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, I am going to share my review of the book called
“FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN” by MITCH ALBOM. The very title of the book, itself is so
attractive, right? So, let’s dive into the book and this is going to be a short review.
The book, Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom was published in 2003 and remained on
the New York Times bestseller list for 95 weeks. The sequel to this book is the next person you meet
in heaven. This book is very short, consist of about 180 pages.
Eddie the novel’s protagonist dies in the amusement park where he works and travels to heaven.
There he meets five different and interesting people whom he had met unexpectedly in his lifetime
and they guide him to understand some important things in his life.
If you enjoy reading my work on reviewing books, do check out my previous posts. I guess you will like them too. Here is the link – Reader’s Corner.
Basically, a person who reads for a certain period of time experiences the phase called readers block or
readers slump. When I was going through such a phase my very good friend suggested me this book.
I didn’t read this book at that time but after several months I read it. I remember her saying, this
book will definitely knock out your reader’s block and certainly it did so. I am very grateful for her.

The very first thing that attracted me the most is the title of the book. Each person has a different
perspective of heaven. According to me, I don’t have any idea but this much I know that heaven is
the next stop in the soul’s journey where it will be full of white clouds, people dressed up in white,
floating and they don’t have legs I am grown up hearing all those stories. As the title itself says ‘five
people you meet heaven’ it interested me the most, because a human can meet or pass by hundreds
of people so, how he can meet only five and who will be the five. The author’s perspective of
describing heaven is really wonderful. The guidance given by the five people is needed for every
individual on the earth to understand life.
Since the book is very short and gripping, we can read the book in one go. The author’s way of
describing the scenes is easy to picture in our mind. I mostly enjoyed the way he describes the days
and the weather beautifully.
After finishing this book, I strongly believe that “each ending is just the beginning for other things”
but we realize that later. And I also perceive that each story is interconnected with the other stories
the angle of the story matters the most.
So, my dear readers if you are looking for any books to understand the life, death, and aftermath of
death this book will be a nice choice and it is also very light. Though this is a fictitious work it gives
some great lessons to the readers. I truly enjoyed reading the book hope the readers will like soo.
Happy reading!
In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, buy, and enjoy reading. Link – Five People You Meet In Heaven.
If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link –Readers’ Corner. All reviews are SPOILER-FREE.
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“each ending is just the beginning for other things” semaa quote ji 💯
Ur first review of the year is 💥👍
thank you sooo much!