Newsletter 01 – Updates.

Hey guys, welcome to the updates section. You can either listen to my updates or give a glance by scrolling down.

The audio clip!

Click the “play” button or “listen in browser” button.

The updates!

  • We have reached 250 subscribers on Youtube. Awesome right?
  • All the pending works like the blog posts of Gardens around me – 3rd episode will be published in this week. If you are a blog reader, then stay tuned.

Current Project!

Regarding the current project, I am working on the 4th episode of Gardens around me right now. It will up on both youtube and as a blog post this week. So stay tuned.

If you have any ideas for the upcoming projects, feel free to share with me in the comment section. I’m looking for ideas.

That’s a wrap. Hope you enjoyed this Newsletter!.

Click here to go back to the Newsletter’s home page: Newsletter -1.

Have a good day.

Newsletter 01 – Updates.

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