“WHAT!?!” (in excitement) was my sister’s first response on seeing the dull wall in our room. Yes! She liked the decor! Hello, welcome back to another post of simple colourful DIY ideas to brighten up your dull room like mine. On seeing the boring walls, I get tempted to decorate it in many ways like a wall art, etc., but this time wall decoration using paper craft.

These simple DIY ideas have its own advantage, it is customisable. Cheap and can be done from the scraps. You can also consider these ideas for party decoration. Yes, a simple scrap paper can bring colour to your room. Only & the main things we need are papers and scissors. Let us now dig in.
What is in this post?
Click on the links below for the quick landing on the desired topics!!
- Simple DIY ideas – intro
- Requirements
- Top 5 ideas
- Origami
You can always alternate or choose your own requirements. What I used in these projects are:

- Paper: Any old newspapers, magazines, scraps, left over colour paper from previous projects, etc,
- Scissors: Godrej kids craft scissors
- X-acto knife: Precision knife
- Glue: Fevicol
- Tapes: Invisible tape, Double sided tapes
- Ruler: Glass ruler
- Thread: Colour thread
- Paper punch: Kangaro one hole paper puncher
- Paint: Acrylic paint
- Brush: Faber – Castell paint brush
The following are the 5 ideas I am talking about. I think, the “paper garland” is the one I like the most among the five. As it is colourful and simple to create.

These methods are so easy to create, even kids can make this to decorate their room. But be careful when you are using scissors or precision knife. Have a look at these 5 ways and comment me down, which one impressed you.
Of late, you can say, how I became so obsessed with these “origami” thing if you are following me from the previous posts. Yes. I have become obsessed. I thank my sister, as she was the one who introduced me to origami.

Here, I have created the 5 geometrical shapes and used for wall hanging. I loved the way, it turned out.

I made these shapes mostly in white paper and later painted it in my favourite colours to look more attractive and colourful.

If you are interested in learning, how I made these geometrical origami shapes, then comment me.
I started making origami shapes from a cube. Probably, making these cubes is the easiest among all the other shapes.

These cubes are very simple and easy to make. I hang them using thin thread.

They form a beautiful back drop in your work space, above the headboard of your bed.

Pyramids are also simple to create. I used thin white thread to hang it. I made these pyramids in different sizes and painted in different colours as I liked.

This one is my favourite among the origami method. I liked the creases and details of the diamond. And this details makes it more attractive.

This diamond wall hangings can be hooked in the sideways of the steps, in your kid’s room, living area, dining area, etc., Wherever it is, it remains colourful and pretty.

You can make them in different sizes and colours. It can be customisable as you like. If you wish to learn, how to make these diamonds, comment me down.

This is yet another simple method. The main things we need are just paper and scissors. Use scissors carefully.

The main plot of this method is given as steps below.
1. Draw your own image outline (eg. heart )

2. Cut the rough outline and use it as a template.

3. Using template, trace it in colour paper / old magazines.

4. Cut it off.

5. Tape it with thread.

6. Hang it on your wall. Done!

Here I chose some images like elephant, butterfly, heart, circles & fish to test. Now, everything is up to my satisfaction. You can choose your own image and use it.
The templates are available for free. If you like these outlines/shapes, then subscribe to get a free printable in your inbox.
These heart wall hangings are made from the steps as above discussed.

Elephants are very easy to draw and cut. I used colour papers, newspapers & old scrap papers.

The circle wall hangings are very simple to create. You can create in different sizes in a variety of colours and place randomly or in order. However you arrange, this wall hangings turns out to be attractive and colourful.

Instead of these paper cutting butterflies, you can also use origami butterflies. In case you like to learn it, click here: How to make butterflies?

You can also replace these paper cuttings as painted ones. Like I made before: Realistic butterfly.
I used two different shapes of fish for paper cutting.

Paper garlands are my most favourite DIY among all, as it turned out pretty cool. Here I used the traditional shapes like Tags and Flags for garlands. These are easy to make, colourful wall hangings using paper crafts.

These garlands fit perfectly as a backdrop for my gloomy balcony. You can prefer any shapes, any colour you like. Let us dig in for more detail.
These paper garlands are time-consuming and inexpensive. All you need is papers thread and tape. Here are the steps to make tag garland.

- Take a paper and ruler.

2. Cut the paper into the small strips of the following measurement.

Measurement :Height : 10 cms / 4 inches (approx) Width : 5 cms / 2 inches (approx) |

3. Draw a small triangle in the end and cut it off.

4. You will get the tag shaped paper strips.

5. Repeat the steps until you get the required paper strips. I made tags of 30 numbers.

You can also make tags in white paper and paint it later with your favourite colours.
6. Keep the tags in a row according to the colour order you want. Here, I lined it up randomly.

7. Now flip each tag, with the coloured side lying down. Ignore if both sides are coloured.
8. Place the long thread on the tags and position it perfectly in the same point in each tag.

9. Now stick the thread to the tag using the invisible tape.

10. Done! Tag garland ready!

The Flag garland is made using the same steps as that of tag garland.

The flag measurements I used is given below.
Measurement :Height : 7 cms / 2.7 inches (approx) Base : 7.5 cms / 3 inches (approx) |
Take a paper, mark the measurements given and cut it out. Repeat until you get the required number of flags.

Now lay out according to the colour order you chose, flip it off and paste the thread.

Alternate method:
- Using tape to stick the thread to the tag/flag is the easiest method. You can also use thread & needle and create garland using the running stitch.
- Or else you can use a paper puncher to make holes in each tag/flag and connect using thread. You can choose your own way.

I always keep my old art, sketches, craft, paintings, things I made, in a box. Apart from gifting it to others, most of it will remain unused after that particular project. I made some realistic butterflies in my previous post. If you are interested in knowing that, click here: how to make realistic butterflies?

Also in my wall art post, the cardboard used for leaves left unused. For this post, click here: wall art – theme based!

So I thought of reusing it and make another craft out of it. Then this “theme based” idea struck me. Like paper cutting ones, I glued the butterfly and the cardboard leaves alternatively and hung it on the wall.

I initially made a newspaper wall hanging. Inspired from that, I made this cardboard wall hanging. All u need is cardboard, thread and any of the previous method outcomes. Eg: origami shapes.

The steps are:
1. Take a cardboard and a compass or any round base objects like a plate, bowl, anything. Draw a big circle.

2. This will be the shape of the top and cut it off. Now, draw concentric circles. Draw lines with the centre same as that of the concentric circles.

3. Mark the point along the circle and the lines, where the thread used to hang on the wall will be stitched.

4. Now insert any number of thread in the cardboard. Knot the thread at one end, so it is fixed on the cardboard top. Now attach, sew or tape your objects in the other end as layers. I made it with 4 layers.

Hope you liked all the decor ideas. Try it and share your version of decor in social media using “#diarytale”. Also do not forget to comment below, which one you liked most.
*Note: Subscribe to get a free template for paper cuttings. If you are already a member then, you will receive free printables automatically.
These are great ideas!
Thank you 🙂
Ur ideas are soo good❤️
Thank You. I am so glad you liked my post!
All hangings are awesome especially I like BUTTERFLY.its is very easy to decor our home
Keep rocking sisy..
Thanks @bhargavi. I am very glad that you liked it!!!
All the wall hangings are very cute and colourful… ……. especially the back drop in the balcony sit out is very beautiful…..a grt way to make our rooms a nice place to stay
Thanks, @vaishnavi!! Happy to hear from you!!
Some Tyms Even Small Things Look So Attractive… This S So So So Good And I’ll Soon IMPLENT This S IN My New Space… # Simple But cute😍
Sure! Try them and enjoy @aishu! simple and inexpensive. Also, share your work with us via social media, so we can see what you came out with!
Great work preethi….keep rocking 😍👍
Thank you so much @sneha! Really unexpected!!
UnExpected work from you really loved it especially elephants 🐘 origami hangings and the cardboard hangings 😊Keep rocking😉✌🏻
Thank you for your lovely comment! @lawanya
When amazing works are done easily, it does not mean that the work is easy. It shows how much you are devoted to your work.
This is a real work of devotion.
Keep going.
Thanks for your continuous support! Comments like yours motivate me to keep going!! I am grateful @vivasayi
exemplary work …expecting image gallery soon….
Thank you for the response. Image gallery, I am too thinking the same @pragadeesh.
I like all ur work except circle it is usual. Heart shape is nice
Thanks for your response @gomathi
Nice and very huge work. My head started to rotate, so pls next time try to put very short without delay.
Ok ji! Next time, I will try to post soon. Until then, stay tuned @srinithi.
Origami, paper cuttings & esp cardboard hanger is really awesome…and I think glittering sheets will workout more effectively for garlands.
This made my day. Thanks, @RK for your response. Yeah, I too thinking the same.
Wonderful Work!!!
Thank you so much @swathi
Yeah! Try it and share your work with us too!! & thanks for your response @Ramya.